covid and marriage
no touch.
it’s hella lonely.
lots of techno-connection.
making lists.
face-timing while we all watch a movie or a show is a new one and quite enjoyable!
one carries all the weight.
mapped out the grocery list in order of appearance and got texts about people blocking the aisles or standing in the way of a product and other gems like:
“no clue where this massive pizza is going to go/just gonna throw it away/i’m just cussing at the groceries: oh, fuck you/come on, you stupid piece of shit/fuck you, pizza cunt”, cause our fridge sucks and there’s no room to put anything away.
he had to do this for 14 days when he had COVID. FOURTEEN.
i am on day 5.
have already: re-watched romeo+ juliet, s 1 & 2 of fleabag, (hot priest for life), thanksgiving episodes of bob’s burgers and the simpsons, son-in-law, the hangover, planes, trains, and automobiles, and the french dispatch, finished the newest season of big mouth (only had one more episode to go), started the newest season of sex lives of college girls, watched paris is burning and the posession…still more to go.
talk to people.
yoga nidra.
lie on bed.
sit on floor.
walk around room.
sit on lanai in a mask to see the fam and get some sun.
completed our entire budget for next year and planned all our travels.
work emails.
left to do: test negative, x-mas lists, start the annual calendar for the kids, more of all of the above, test negative once more, wash all the bedding, towels, and clothes, disinfect it all, GET OUT OF HERE…
help carry the weight again.
do all the above, but together.
and so it goes: covid and marriage, covid and marriage, go together like : fuck you, pizza cunt.